NEW CLASS: Yin Yoga on Tuesday’s @ 5:30pm
We’re excited to add Yin Yoga to our class line-up. If you’re not familiar, Yin Yoga is an excellent practice for anyone who is brand new, picking up their practice again, or just wanting to sink deeper into familiar stretches and poses.
Instructor Michael Curtis leads us in this popular method.
Yin yoga helps release deep help muscle tension by stretching and targeting deep connective tissues between the muscles, and fascia throughout the body. The goal is to increase circulation in the joints and improve flexibility.
This class offers a slower pace with poses and stretches being held for longer than in a traditional flow-type yoga, such as Vinyasa. Breath is core to this practice as is finding stillness in the posture.
This is an excellent practice to help regulate the nervous system, release stress, and feel more grounded.
Reservations now available through the app or the website.
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Additional resources on Yin Yoga:
What is Yin Yoga – WebMD
Yin Yoga Poses to Reset Your Body and Mind – Healthline